Life has a way of making us surprised when we least expect it. You might get up thinking it’s just going to be another regular day, but then something completely out of the blue happens, turning it into a moment you’ll never forget.
Story 1
A guy at my old job gave me a lottery ticket. I scratch it. It’s a 10k winner.
Later, he stopped by and asked if I scratched it yet, and I said no. He left. My heart was beating like crazy. I decided to say it wasn’t a winner next time he drops by.
turned it over to read how to redeem it and saw that it was a prank ticket. I’m glad I saw that before he stopped by again. © I_Dont_Like_Rice / Reddit
Story 2
I accidentally left my receipt at the self-checkout machine. A woman rushed over, handing it to me with a smile. “You dropped this,” she said. I thanked her and left.
When I got home and unpacked the groceries, I noticed something odd. Written on the back of the receipt in hurried handwriting was: “Check your tires. Someone slashed mine in this parking lot.”
My heart raced. I ran outside and found that one of my tires had indeed been slashed. I called the police, and it turned out there had been a string of similar incidents in the area.
Story 3

Story 4
I was in love with my best friend for a long time, but something was always in the way. We had dated once, but it didn’t end very well. I was going to a party with a mutual friend of ours, and he told me that my best friend was going to propose to this girl I couldn’t stand that night. He told me where he was going to propose, so I rushed there to stop him; proclaim my love for him, you know how it goes.
When I get up there, I see that he has everything set up; candles, rose petals, the NYC skyline, everything that would make a girl melt. I pick up a piece of paper he had placed on the ground, read it, and when I look up, he’s down on one knee, proposing to ME. © IZ3820 / Reddit
Story 5
When I was little, I was obsessed with chocolate. Chocolate cake, syrup, bars, cookies, etc. One day, my mom bought some chocolate syrup and made sure to tell me not to eat it. She placed it on the top shelf of the fridge where I couldn’t reach it.
When she was in the bathroom, I dragged a kitchen chair to the fridge door and climbed on top of it. I grabbed the “syrup” and squirted about a gallon in my mouth. It was mayonnaise. I grabbed the wrong bottle.
Story 6
My parents split up when I was a baby, and I never really had a relationship with my father. I saw him a couple of times during my life. No birthday cards or calls.
Last year, mom said to me during a visit that she isn’t even sure that the guy I thought was my father is my father. So this guy I’ve been curious about and wondering why he doesn’t care about me may not even be the right guy. Thanks, mom.